The J.Co Project is competing with 5+ bands to possibly continue touring (to New York on June 5th) with this foundation to help raise $$$ for babies. Come and support them and this amazing cause! Bring your friends, it's only $10 per ticket. What a great way to help others you guys! I have attached the link that will direct you to the event so you can see where it will be, so if you're in the Springs or Denver area - you have no excuse! ; ) THANKS!!!!!
Crossing bridges
As I think about my life with Derek the last year, many things come to mind. I left a lot of family and friends in MI, but I knew what I was doing was for the better of my future family. Left a career that I was lucky to have, but still unhappy doing it. A fresh start and an open road ahead. One thing that never did come to mind however is the crossing of a bridge, the one way kind. Making decisions that can lose you friends, however better for you the choice to move on may be. It doesn't make it any easier to deal with the pain of possibly losing friends you so much have come to love. Also there is the wise-old choice of going back to school. You can't come back from that the same person! You learn things you never knew before, start speaking a brand new language of the program you chose. Not to mention making new friends and trying to remember the ones you had before. Houses and babies come into your mind, teasing and taunting you with the if's, and's and but's of the matter. Not to mention the "what if's". Those are the worst! All this comes to mind in the one year that I've been in Colorado, and that's not the half of it! Visions of mission work and youth are dancing in my head constantly. Where does life end anyways? HA! Life as we know it doesn't last nearly as long as we think, but eternity is forever. I'm so glad that eternity doesn't involve stress, sore backs and homework.
A new life
I'm about 2 weeks into my schooling at Pima, and I just wanted to shout from the rooftops. Er, type from the tips of my fingers.... I AM LOVING IT! I have never felt so complete in a classroom before. Watching videos of teaching autopsies and seeing pictures of things I never thought I would.... it's breath-taking to see the variations of life. Life I can help heal, life I can serve. I know, I know. I'm only 2 weeks into it, give it some time you say. I've given it enough time, and I've thought about it enough. Isn't it just about time for my life to start? What exactly has been holding me back all these years? F-E-A-R. Learn the word folks, it just may be holding you back too.
I'm jumpin' in... FULL STEAM AHEAD!
This may seem a little sudden to all of you, but for me it's been in the works for 6 years! I've never really had a passion for any CERTAIN profession, nothing to go to school for anyways. I've never really felt complete having not going, and actually I feel - very incomplete. As a person and a whole. If that doesn't make sense I apologize. So on to it: I'm going back to school! There's this little college of about 400 students called PIMA Medical Institute about 25 minutes from where I live. In 8 short months I will have my certificate in Dental Assisting and will have hopefully found the completeness of a degree I've so longed for. We shall see....
Wish me luck!
Let down, but I won't fall.
It's another week here on Earth. As I go about my day to day activities, I can't help but realize just how lucky I am. I feel so let down about a great job I didn't get recently, yet there are those I see on the streets wearing the same clothes day in and day out. It makes working fast food a luxury and a privilege. And I even know that when the economy picks up again, I too can have the "closetoperfect" (I say this because there is NO perfect job) career I've so been longing for! One that is custom made for me.
As I write this my thoughts keep going back to Cindy, a homeless woman I met one cold fall night when she applied at Good Times. She had been homeless since April, when family kicked her out for who knows what. She filled out an app, we gave her some food and sent her on her way. Her application pushed aside, obviously. I wish I was store manager at that moment. I wonder if she scraped up enough money for a hotel room that night, like she said she was trying to do (and I believe her). I gave her all I had on me, which was pennies. I've never given $ to a homeless person before. I always had the feeling that they would spend it on drugs or alcohol. But this woman was actually applying places. "According" to her; she had a job for 3 days, but lost it when the manager found out she was on the streets. Can't be trusted. How then, can she be trusted if you will never give her a chance? I saw her again one night at the gas station, but she left before I could talk to her.
I pray for her. I pray for me. That I will become the woman God meant for me to be. Not feeling sorry for myself because things aren't "perfect". But happy that I have eternal life waiting for me, and happy I have food, family, friends and a life. Thank you!
As I write this my thoughts keep going back to Cindy, a homeless woman I met one cold fall night when she applied at Good Times. She had been homeless since April, when family kicked her out for who knows what. She filled out an app, we gave her some food and sent her on her way. Her application pushed aside, obviously. I wish I was store manager at that moment. I wonder if she scraped up enough money for a hotel room that night, like she said she was trying to do (and I believe her). I gave her all I had on me, which was pennies. I've never given $ to a homeless person before. I always had the feeling that they would spend it on drugs or alcohol. But this woman was actually applying places. "According" to her; she had a job for 3 days, but lost it when the manager found out she was on the streets. Can't be trusted. How then, can she be trusted if you will never give her a chance? I saw her again one night at the gas station, but she left before I could talk to her.
I pray for her. I pray for me. That I will become the woman God meant for me to be. Not feeling sorry for myself because things aren't "perfect". But happy that I have eternal life waiting for me, and happy I have food, family, friends and a life. Thank you!
It's a new year already...
Well this is just a little update from the last time I blogged (which was WAY too long ago, I know!). Life is crazily, intensely, INSANELY busy. Derek is working a lot, volunteering at the Church a lot and has 2 band side projects going also. I'm working a lot, volunteering a lot and spending a lot of quality time with my girlfriends. Recently a newlywed couple Chad and Michelle have moved here (from Michigan!) and they are great fun to hang out with who are now attending Community Church of The Rockies with us.
Derek and I are feeling a little overwhelmed at just how busy we are. For instance, we haven't hung out with each other alone not once in the past 2 weeks. Some sacrifices are going to be made in order to work on that. I won't allow my marriage to strain from the lack of saying "no". SO: excited to see him more!
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