
It's a new year already...

Well this is just a little update from the last time I blogged (which was WAY too long ago, I know!). Life is crazily, intensely, INSANELY busy. Derek is working a lot, volunteering at the Church a lot and has 2 band side projects going also. I'm working a lot, volunteering a lot and spending a lot of quality time with my girlfriends. Recently a newlywed couple Chad and Michelle have moved here (from Michigan!) and they are great fun to hang out with who are now attending Community Church of The Rockies with us.

Derek and I are feeling a little overwhelmed at just how busy we are. For instance, we haven't hung out with each other alone not once in the past 2 weeks. Some sacrifices are going to be made in order to work on that. I won't allow my marriage to strain from the lack of saying "no". SO: excited to see him more!

1 comment:

Alli said...

Hahaha! Go Faith. I do believe that dates, in this case, definitely count more than girlfriend time. You are, in fact, a wife. ;) Have fun!