
Deleting AOL e-mail addy

Hey all, just wanted to let you know that I'm no longer using my AOL e-mail address. You can e-mail me from now on at faithrickett@yahoo.com. Thanks! Hope everyone's week went well!


Good Times.... or not?

As you all might know, I'm working at a little fast food joint called Good Times. As you also probably know, it's not exactly like the name. It can be slow, busy, drama-ridden (most of the time) and frustrating. I leave there feeling like my IQ, age and maturity has dropped 10 points/years. I've only been there since August and it's sucking the life out of me. I got the job to get our debt paid off so we can start to build our credit once again. But now I'm thinking that a car comes first, then a better paying/better all-around job comes second to help get stuff paid off. I'm tired of being treated like a 16 year old... not that there's anything wrong with being 16, but when you're 23, there is! Plus when you came from a job that paid twice what you make now... it's dis-heartening. And breaking my pride, which is the only good thing about the situation. So I will keep on keepin' on, hoping and praying I'll get a car soon so I can get a career in focus. Not just a j.o.b.