
The scars I bear are a sign of a competitor

I love that quote. I heard it on one of my favorite T.V. shows, Grey's Anatomy. And I think it is soooo true. It relates to everything, including my situation in life right now. Bad things are actually good. Because in the end, something good ALWAYS comes from something bad. So I won't lie in a corner licking my wounds, but will showcase them for the world to see. Everyone will know that I am a strong woman for going through what I have, and what I will. Because in the end.... I MADE IT. And that is good :-)
This is the weekend for a MAJOR change... as you all know. Derek has a gig tonight, then is trekking back to Michigan to pack me up and take me away. If all goes well, I will be in Colorado by Monday morning. Wish me luck and send up a few prayers while you're at it (pretty please?)....

Scarred and strong,



The big move

Most of you already know that I'm moving to Colorado - this weekend! Derek has been there for 2 months working and getting things ready for me to join him. Let me tell you, it's been a crazy ride! This week has thrown me the biggest loop in the ride, which I knew it would. Packing, saying goodbye.... not the fun part of moving whatsoever! But this incredible feeling of starting over is starting to tingle, starting in my toes and working it's way up to my heart and mind. I am more and more excited for this new chapter and what it will bring!! We have an awesome apartment (WHICH has a FREE tanning bed. Seriously!), breath-taking views, and a new lease on life just waiting for us there. So many opportunities and life-changing events are in store. I'm not at liberty to share at the moment, but if all goes well... this summer will prove to be the biggest yet of our marriage! And please, you all THINK you know... but you have no idea (I've always wanted to say that...) ;-) .



My first blog!

Blogging seems to be the very "it" thing to do now-a-days. Everyone is so eager to share their life with family, friends and even the public. I have no room to talk! I am a part of "everyone" (obviously...). It's like we are creating our own circle of "celebrity" status by blogging. I am a huge fan of writing, especially about my feelings and life. You'd think it's strictly a girl thing, but that's not the case anymore - more and more guys are realizing that it's ok to have feelings! So anyway, this is my very first blog on this forum. Wish me luck in my life adventures! :-)
