
What troubles me most is....

....people who upset my husband, family and friends. By judging them and ridiculing them for the choices they've made. I want to live, laugh and learn my way through life. Enjoying every second, being forgiven for my past. I'm not perfect, and neither is anyone that I know. Why can't we just stop the drama and love each other?

I've got all these random thoughts and feelings going through my brain right now, so this blog has to come to an end.

For now, I'm gonna go watch T.V. and cuddle with my hubby - a wonderful man who deserves so much in this life.

I'm out.

1 comment:

phyllis said...

sorry you are feeling punky---
i enjoy your blog alot--i`ll bet it keeps your mom and dad connected!
my kids are scattered and it does a lot for me--love ya