
Sorry for the wait!

I know it's been a while folks, but I am back at it again! Blogging, that is. We've been in Colorado and settled now for a while. Since my last blog, lots has happened! We've made some wonderful new friends here, and are getting very involved in our Church - which we LOVE! I have gone on a missions trip with the youth group and we went to Juarez, Mexico. If you haven't heard all about it, let me know and I'll be happy to fill you in! I can sum it up in one word (or rather, 2 hyphenated ones...): LIFE-CHANGING. AnYwAyS, we are hiking, camping and off-roading a lot in our spare time. FUN stuff. I have recently decided to be a missionary for the rest of my time here on Earth. So keep an ear open for those updates! Thailand may be next, but don't quote me on that. Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know I haven't lost touch - just temporarily misplaced my Blogspot password in my brain!


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